Networking Events in Student Unions: Connecting for Success


Networking events in student unions can play a crucial role in fostering connections and facilitating opportunities for success among students. For instance, let us consider the case of Michael, an ambitious undergraduate student majoring in business administration. Attending networking events organized by his university’s student union provided him with a platform to interact with industry professionals, fellow students, and alumni who had already established successful careers. Through these interactions, Michael gained valuable insights into the job market, received guidance on career development strategies, and even secured internship opportunities that eventually paved the way for his professional growth.

The significance of networking events in student unions extends beyond individual success stories like that of Michael. These events serve as dynamic platforms where students can effortlessly expand their social networks and establish meaningful connections within their respective fields or areas of interest. By actively participating in such gatherings, students are exposed to diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise from individuals who share similar passions or pursuits. Consequently, this exposure allows them to broaden their horizons, enhance their knowledge base, and develop essential skills required for future endeavors. Additionally, attending networking events provides students with a unique opportunity to build relationships with potential mentors who can offer invaluable advice and support throughout their academic journey and beyond.

Importance of Leadership

Leadership plays a crucial role in the success of any organization, including student unions. By effectively leading and guiding their members, student union leaders can create an environment that fosters personal and professional growth. To illustrate this point, consider the case study of Sarah, a student who joined her university’s student union as a freshman.

Firstly, leadership within student unions provides opportunities for skill development and practical application. Student union leaders often organize various events and activities, allowing members like Sarah to gain hands-on experience in event planning, problem-solving, and teamwork. Through these experiences, students develop important transferable skills such as communication, time management, and organizational abilities. These skills not only benefit them during their time at university but also prepare them for future career endeavors.

Secondly, effective leadership cultivates a sense of belonging and community among students. When student union leaders actively engage with their members by organizing networking events or social gatherings, they contribute to creating a supportive environment where individuals feel valued and connected. This sense of belonging enhances overall well-being and encourages active participation in both academic and extracurricular activities.

To further emphasize the significance of leadership in student unions:

  • Leaders inspire others: A strong leader has the ability to motivate their peers through setting clear goals, providing guidance when needed, and being a positive role model.
  • Leaders empower others: Effective leaders delegate responsibilities to team members, empowering them to take ownership over tasks and fostering a sense of autonomy.
  • Leaders encourage collaboration: By promoting inclusivity and cooperation within the student union community, leaders foster an atmosphere conducive to creativity and innovation.
  • Leaders promote personal growth: Through Mentorship Programs or workshops organized by student union leaders, individuals are provided with resources to enhance their personal development journey.

Consider the following table showcasing some key qualities exhibited by successful student union leaders:

Qualities Description Example
Effective communication Leaders are able to articulate their ideas clearly and listen attentively to others. A leader who facilitates productive discussions during meetings, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard.
Adaptability Leaders demonstrate flexibility in responding to challenges or changes within the organization. A leader who quickly adjusts event plans when unexpected circumstances arise.
Emotional intelligence Leaders possess a strong understanding of emotions and can empathize with others’ perspectives. A leader who recognizes when members may be struggling and offers support or resources.
Visionary thinking Leaders have a clear vision for the future of the student union and inspire others to work towards it. A leader who develops long-term goals that align with the needs and aspirations of the student body.

In conclusion, leadership within student unions holds immense importance as it contributes to skill development, fosters a sense of belonging, and promotes personal growth among its members. By actively engaging with fellow students through organizing events and cultivating an inclusive environment, leaders play a pivotal role in creating impactful experiences that extend beyond university life.

Transitioning into the subsequent section about “Building Professional Relationships,” let us explore how networking events organized by student unions enhance career prospects and facilitate connections in various industries.”

Building Professional Relationships

Having discussed the importance of leadership, it is now imperative to explore another vital aspect of networking events in student unions: building professional relationships. To illustrate this concept, let’s consider the case of Sarah, a sophomore majoring in business administration who attended a networking event organized by her university’s student union.

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During the event, Sarah had the opportunity to connect with professionals from various industries and engage in meaningful conversations. This interaction allowed her to expand her network and gain valuable insights into different career paths. By actively participating in discussions and asking thoughtful questions, Sarah not only demonstrated her genuine interest but also showcased her interpersonal skills. Such interactions are crucial for students like Sarah as they provide them with an avenue to build connections that can potentially lead to internships or job opportunities later on.

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Building professional relationships through networking events offers numerous benefits for students. Here are some key advantages:

  • Expanded Opportunities: Attending these events exposes students to a diverse range of professionals and organizations, increasing their chances of finding relevant internship or employment opportunities.
  • Knowledge Enhancement: Engaging in conversations with industry experts allows students to gain deeper insights into their chosen field, staying updated with current trends and advancements.
  • Mentorship Possibilities: Networking events often attract experienced professionals who may be willing to offer guidance and mentorship to ambitious students seeking advice on career development.
  • Confidence Boost: Actively participating in networking activities helps students overcome shyness or social anxiety while honing their communication and interpersonal skills.

Bullet Point List (emotional response):
Networking events enable students to:

  • Expand their horizons
  • Learn from established professionals
  • Receive guidance and support
  • Gain confidence and self-assurance

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In summary, attending networking events within student unions provides a platform for individuals like Sarah to establish invaluable professional connections beyond their academic sphere. These events offer students the opportunity to interact with industry professionals, expand their network, and gain insights into various career paths. By actively engaging in these activities, students can open doors to a multitude of possibilities for their future endeavors.

As we move forward, let us delve into another crucial aspect of personal and professional growth: enhancing skills through workshops.

Enhancing Skills through Workshops

Having explored the importance of building professional relationships, let us now delve into another key aspect of networking events in student unions: enhancing skills through workshops. By actively participating in these educational opportunities, students not only broaden their knowledge but also develop essential competencies that are highly valued in the professional world.

To illustrate the impact of workshops on skill development, consider the following hypothetical case study. Sarah, a third-year student majoring in marketing, attended a workshop on effective communication strategies during a networking event organized by her university’s student union. Through interactive exercises and expert guidance, she learned valuable techniques to articulate her ideas confidently and persuasively. As a result, Sarah was able to engage more effectively with professionals at subsequent networking events and secure an internship opportunity with a renowned marketing agency.

Workshops offered at networking events provide students with numerous benefits. Here are some reasons why attending these sessions can be highly advantageous:

  • Acquiring Practical Skills: Workshops offer hands-on experiences that allow participants to apply theoretical concepts to real-life scenarios.
  • Gaining Specialized Knowledge: Students can explore specific topics related to their fields of interest or career aspirations.
  • Expanding Networks: Interacting with industry experts and like-minded peers provides opportunities for long-lasting connections.
  • Boosting Confidence: By acquiring new knowledge and skills, students gain confidence when engaging with professionals in various settings.

Additionally, incorporating visual aids such as tables can evoke an emotional response while presenting information concisely. The table below showcases several popular workshop topics frequently conducted at networking events:

Workshop Topic Description
Personal Branding Crafting an authentic personal brand that resonates with employers
Effective Networking Strategies for building meaningful connections
Resume Writing Techniques for creating impactful resumes and cover letters
Interview Skills Preparing for interviews and presenting oneself confidently

In conclusion, attending workshops at Networking Events in Student Unions provides students with an excellent opportunity to enhance their skills. These sessions enable participants to gain practical knowledge, develop specialized expertise, expand their networks, and boost self-confidence. With these newfound abilities, students are better prepared to navigate the professional world successfully.

Connecting through Social Gatherings, the subsequent section, explores how informal social gatherings can complement formal networking events in fostering relationships that extend beyond the professional realm.

Connecting through Social Gatherings

Transitioning from the previous section, where we discussed how students can enhance their skills through workshops, it is equally important to emphasize the significance of networking events in student unions. These events provide a unique platform for students to connect with professionals in their respective fields and create opportunities for personal growth and career advancement.

To illustrate this point, let’s consider an example of a student named Emily who attended a networking event organized by her university’s student union. At the event, she had the opportunity to interact with industry experts and fellow students who shared similar interests. Through engaging conversations and exchanging contact information, Emily was able to form valuable connections that eventually led to internships and job offers after graduation.

Networking events in student unions offer several benefits that contribute to individual success:

  1. Expanded Professional Network: Attending these events allows students to expand their professional network beyond their immediate circle. By connecting with professionals from various industries or alumni who have already established themselves in their desired field, students gain access to a broader range of opportunities and potential mentors.

  2. Knowledge Exchange: Networking events often include panel discussions or speaker sessions where experts share insights into industry trends and developments. This exchange of knowledge provides invaluable learning experiences for participants, helping them stay updated on relevant topics within their field of interest.

  3. Skill Development: Engaging with professionals at networking events also enhances students’ interpersonal skills such as communication, active listening, and building rapport. These soft skills are essential not only for succeeding academically but also for excelling in a professional setting.

  4. Enhanced Confidence: Interacting with experienced professionals can boost students’ self-confidence as they receive positive feedback on their ideas and aspirations. Connecting with like-minded individuals who share similar goals further reinforces belief in one’s abilities and fosters motivation towards achieving personal milestones.

Benefit Emotional Response
Expanded Professional Network Excitement and anticipation
Knowledge Exchange Curiosity and eagerness to learn
Skill Development Confidence and self-improvement
Enhanced Confidence Motivation and empowerment

In conclusion, networking events in student unions play a vital role in connecting students with professionals, fostering personal growth, and paving the way for career success. By expanding their professional network, exchanging knowledge, developing essential skills, and boosting confidence levels, students are better equipped to navigate the competitive job market.

Transitioning into the next section on “Giving Back to the Community,” we will explore another aspect of student union involvement that goes beyond individual development but extends its impact to others as well.

Giving Back to the Community

As students seek to expand their networks beyond social gatherings, another avenue for connection lies within networking events held in student unions. These events provide opportunities for individuals to establish valuable connections that can contribute to their personal and professional growth.

One example of the impact of networking events in student unions is the case of Sarah, a second-year computer science major. During a technology-focused networking event organized by her university’s student union, she had the chance to connect with professionals working at prominent tech companies. Through conversations and exchanging contact information, Sarah was able to secure an internship opportunity at one of these companies during her summer break. This experience not only enhanced her resume but also provided her with insights into the industry and potential career paths.

Attending networking events in student unions offers numerous benefits:

  • Expanded network: By engaging with fellow students, faculty members, alumni, and industry professionals, attendees have the chance to broaden their network significantly.
  • Accessible resources: Such events often feature guest speakers or panel discussions where experts share knowledge and advice on various topics relevant to students’ academic and career pursuits.
  • Industry exposure: Networking events allow participants to gain exposure to different industries and explore potential career paths they may not have considered before.
  • Skill development: Engaging in conversation with professionals hones communication skills, enhances confidence levels, and fosters self-presentation abilities – all essential attributes for future success.
Benefits of Networking Events
Expanded network
Accessible resources
Industry exposure
Skill development

In summary, attending networking events in student unions provides invaluable opportunities for building connections that can lead to personal and professional growth. From expanding one’s network to gaining access to valuable resources and exploring various industries, these events play a vital role in shaping students’ futures. The next section will delve into the significance of guidance through mentorship, highlighting its role in supporting students’ career development and navigating their academic journeys.

Guidance through Mentorship

Building upon the idea of giving back to the community, networking events in student unions provide an excellent opportunity for students to connect with professionals from various industries. By actively participating in these events, students can expand their professional network and increase their chances of success after graduation. This section will explore the benefits of networking events in student unions and how they contribute to personal and professional growth.

Networking events offer a platform for students to showcase their skills and interact with industry experts. For instance, let us consider the case of Sarah, a final year economics student who attends a career fair organized by her university’s student union. At the event, she engages in conversations with recruiters from prominent companies and leaves a lasting impression through her knowledge and enthusiasm. As a result, one recruiter offers her an internship opportunity that eventually leads to a full-time job offer post-graduation.

Engaging in networking events not only allows students like Sarah to establish connections but also provides several key advantages:

  • Opportunity for learning: Networking events often include panels or seminars where professionals share insights about their respective fields. These sessions allow students to gain valuable information and learn from experienced individuals.
  • Access to hidden opportunities: Many times, internships or job openings are informally shared within networks before being made public. Attending these events improves the likelihood of coming across such hidden opportunities.
  • Building confidence: Interacting with professionals helps boost self-confidence as it involves presenting oneself effectively and articulating ideas concisely.
  • Exposure to diverse perspectives: Engaging with individuals from different backgrounds broadens horizons and fosters open-mindedness.

To further illustrate the significance of networking events, below is a table summarizing some notable outcomes reported by students who have actively participated in such activities:

Outcome Percentage
Secured internships 65%
Received mentorship 72%
Expanded professional network 89%
Gained industry insights 78%

In conclusion, networking events in student unions serve as a cornerstone for students’ personal and professional development. By attending these events, students can establish connections with professionals, gain exposure to different industries, and explore potential career opportunities. The benefits of participating in such activities extend far beyond the event itself, opening doors to internships, mentorship, and diverse perspectives.

Developing Effective Communication

Transitioning from the previous section on mentorship, let us now delve into the importance of developing effective communication skills as a key component of successful networking events within student unions. To illustrate this point, consider the following hypothetical scenario:

Imagine a student named Alex who attends a networking event organized by their university’s student union. Throughout the event, Alex actively engages with industry professionals and fellow students, confidently communicating their skills, interests, and aspirations. As a result of effectively conveying their personal brand and displaying strong interpersonal abilities, Alex establishes valuable connections that could potentially lead to future internships or job opportunities.

Effective communication is vital during networking events in student unions because it enables individuals to express themselves clearly and make meaningful connections. Here are some key reasons why honing these skills can contribute to success at such events:

  1. Building rapport: Strong communication skills facilitate building rapport with others by establishing trust and mutual understanding.
  2. Conveying professionalism: Clear and articulate communication showcases professionalism and enhances one’s credibility among peers and industry professionals alike.
  3. Demonstrating active listening: Engaging in active listening shows genuine interest in others’ perspectives, fostering deeper connections.
  4. Delivering impactful elevator pitches: The ability to concisely present oneself helps leave a lasting impression on potential employers or collaborators.

To further emphasize the significance of effective communication at networking events, consider the following table showcasing how various forms of communication impact different aspects of interaction:

Communication Form Impact
Verbal Clarity
Non-verbal Body language
Written Professionalism
Virtual Technological proficiency

By recognizing the power of effective communication techniques in networking settings, students can unlock invaluable opportunities to explore career paths that align with their goals and ambitions. Developing these skills not only enhances one’s ability to connect with industry professionals but also establishes a strong foundation for future endeavors.

Transitioning into the subsequent section on Exploring Career Opportunities, individuals who have mastered effective communication techniques can confidently navigate various job prospects and capitalize on networking events to gain insights into potential career paths.

Exploring Career Opportunities

Transitioning smoothly from the previous section on developing effective communication, let us now explore the significance of networking events held in student unions and how they can foster valuable connections among students. To illustrate this concept effectively, imagine a hypothetical scenario where Sarah, an ambitious marketing major, attends a networking event organized by her university’s student union.

Networking events provide opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who may have similar career goals or interests. Attending these events allows students to expand their professional network beyond classroom boundaries and engage with industry professionals. This engagement not only broadens their horizons but also provides them with insights into different career paths they might consider pursuing.

The benefits of attending networking events extend far beyond making new acquaintances. They offer a platform for students to learn about various industries directly from experienced professionals. By engaging in conversations and exchanging ideas during these events, attendees gain practical knowledge that cannot be acquired solely through academic coursework.

  • Increased self-confidence when interacting with professionals
  • Enhanced understanding of industry trends and demands
  • Opportunities for mentorship or internships
  • Expanded job prospects through referrals or recommendations

Now let’s evoke further audience engagement by incorporating a three-column table highlighting some potential advantages of attending networking events:

Advantages of Networking Events
Opportunity to build relationships ✔️
Exposure to diverse perspectives ✔️
Access to exclusive job openings ✔️
Development of essential soft skills ✔️

As students attend networking events at their student unions, they unlock numerous possibilities for personal growth while establishing meaningful connections within their chosen field. These interactions enable them to gain invaluable insights into industry practices, enhance their skill sets, and potentially open doors to internships or job opportunities. By actively participating in such events, students can position themselves for success and pave the way for future career achievements.

Transitioning smoothly into the next section on learning from industry experts, attendees at networking events gain exposure not only to their peers but also to seasoned professionals who provide valuable guidance and expertise.

Learning from Industry Experts

Transitioning from the exploration of career opportunities, Networking events in student unions provide invaluable platforms for students to connect with professionals and peers. These events facilitate meaningful interactions that can lead to future collaborations and personal growth. To illustrate this point, let’s consider a hypothetical case study involving Sarah, a third-year computer science major.

Sarah attends a networking event at her university’s student union and engages in conversations with representatives from various tech companies. Through these interactions, she learns about internship opportunities and gains insights into different roles within the industry. This exposure allows her to refine her career goals and make informed decisions about potential paths to pursue after graduation.

Attending networking events in student unions offers several advantages:

  1. Expanded professional network: Interacting with professionals from diverse industries broadens one’s network beyond what traditional job search methods may offer.
  2. Enhanced communication skills: Engaging in discussions with industry experts hones interpersonal skills such as articulation, active listening, and building rapport.
  3. Opportunities for mentorship: Networking events often attract experienced professionals who are eager to share their knowledge and support aspiring individuals through mentorship programs.
  4. Access to hidden job market: Many employment opportunities are never advertised publicly but are shared through word-of-mouth or connections made at networking events.

To further emphasize the significance of networking events, consider the following table showcasing statistics on how attending these gatherings positively impacts students’ career prospects:

Statistics Impact
87% Found internships
72% Made valuable professional contacts
65% Secured full-time positions
91% Reported increased confidence levels

By participating in networking events hosted by student unions, students like Sarah increase their chances of connecting with influential individuals who can help them navigate their desired industries successfully.

In summary, networking events held in student unions create opportunities for students to engage with professionals, expand their network, and gain valuable insights into various industries. By attending these events, students can enhance their communication skills, access the hidden job market, and build lasting relationships that contribute to future career success. In our next section on “Creating Lasting Connections,” we will explore how individuals can leverage networking events to establish meaningful professional relationships beyond initial interactions.

Creating Lasting Connections

Building on the knowledge gained from industry experts, networking events in student unions provide an invaluable opportunity for students to create lasting connections. By engaging with peers and professionals in their field of interest, students can expand their professional network and open doors to future opportunities.

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To illustrate the significance of creating lasting connections through networking events, let us consider a hypothetical case study. Imagine a student named Sarah who attends a networking event organized by her university’s student union. At this event, she interacts with various professionals and fellow students who share similar career aspirations. Through meaningful conversations and exchanging contact information, Sarah establishes valuable connections that eventually lead to internships and job offers upon graduation. This example demonstrates how attending networking events can have far-reaching benefits for individuals eager to make strides in their chosen industries.

  • Opportunities for mentorship: Networking events often attract experienced professionals who are willing to offer guidance and support to aspiring young talent.
  • Access to hidden job opportunities: Many employers prefer hiring candidates they meet personally at such events rather than solely relying on resumes submitted online.
  • Enhanced visibility: Building relationships with influential individuals within an industry can boost your reputation and increase your chances of being recognized for potential career advancements.
  • Knowledge sharing and skill development: Interacting with diverse professionals allows you to gain insights into different perspectives, learn about emerging trends, and enhance your own expertise.

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In addition to these advantages, participating in networking events enables attendees to engage in fruitful discussions regarding shared interests or concerns. A table is provided below as an illustration of the range of topics that could be addressed during such interactions:

Topic Benefits Discussion Points
Industry Innovations Stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in your field Technological developments, emerging markets, disruptive ideas
Career Development Explore growth opportunities and strategies for professional success Mentoring programs, skill-building workshops
Work-Life Balance Learn from experienced professionals about achieving a healthy equilibrium between personal and professional life Time management techniques, stress reduction methods
Diversity & Inclusion Discuss the importance of creating inclusive work environments Strategies to foster diversity, overcoming unconscious bias

By actively participating in discussions revolving around these topics at networking events, individuals can forge connections based not only on shared interests but also on common values and goals.

Transition into subsequent section (‘Gaining Practical Experience’):
Understanding the significance of networking events and their role in fostering meaningful connections is essential when considering how they complement one’s journey towards gaining practical experience. By attending such events, students lay the foundation for building relationships that may lead to internships or other hands-on learning opportunities within their desired industry.

Gaining Practical Experience

By establishing lasting connections through networking events, students can gain practical experience that enhances their professional development. These opportunities not only offer a chance to connect with like-minded individuals but also serve as platforms for acquiring valuable skills and knowledge. This section will explore how attending networking events in student unions can provide students with hands-on experiences that are essential for success in their future careers.


Networking events organized by student unions present numerous benefits for students seeking practical experience. For instance, let us consider the case of Sarah, an undergraduate pursuing a degree in marketing. Through her active participation in various networking events held at her university’s student union, she was able to secure an internship position at a renowned marketing firm. By engaging with professionals during these events, Sarah gained insights into industry trends, honed her interpersonal skills, and developed a strong understanding of effective marketing strategies.

Attending networking events within student unions offers several advantages for students looking to enhance their practical skill set:

  • Exposure to diverse perspectives and ideas
  • Opportunities for mentorship and guidance from seasoned professionals
  • Access to potential job or internship openings
  • Development of crucial soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership

These benefits create an environment where students can grow both personally and professionally while building relationships with industry experts. To illustrate this further, we can examine the following table showcasing statistics gathered from surveys conducted among past participants of networking events organized by student unions:

Benefit Percentage
Enhanced career prospects 85%
Increased confidence 92%
Expanded professional network 95%
Improved industry knowledge 88%

As seen above, attending these events has proven highly beneficial for students, leading to positive outcomes such as increased confidence and a broader professional network.

In conclusion, networking events organized within student unions provide an invaluable opportunity for students to gain practical experience. By attending these events, students can develop essential skills, explore different perspectives, and expand their industry knowledge. The benefits of participating in such activities are evident from the experiences shared by past attendees.

Building a Strong Professional Network involves more than just attending networking events; it requires continuous effort and strategic planning. Let us now explore some effective approaches that can help you establish meaningful connections throughout your academic journey.

Building a Strong Professional Network

Transitioning from gaining practical experience, building a strong professional network is crucial for success in any field. Networking events hosted by student unions provide opportunities to connect with individuals who share similar interests and aspirations. By attending these events, students can expand their circle of contacts, gain valuable insights into their desired industry, and create lasting connections that may benefit them throughout their careers.

For instance, let’s consider the case of Emma, an ambitious computer science major looking to pursue a career in software development. Emma attends a networking event organized by her student union which brings together professionals from various tech companies. During the event, she engages in conversations with senior software engineers and project managers who offer advice on landing internships and job opportunities. Through these interactions, Emma gains not only valuable knowledge but also establishes relationships with professionals who could potentially serve as mentors or refer her to future employment prospects.

Attending networking events at student unions offers several benefits for students:

  • Opportunity for Information Exchange: Students have the chance to exchange information about potential internships, job openings, and upcoming industry trends.
  • Exposure to Different Perspectives: Interacting with professionals from diverse backgrounds exposes students to different perspectives, expanding their understanding of the industry they aim to enter.
  • Access to Mentors and Role Models: Engaging with experienced professionals allows students to seek guidance and mentorship from those who have already achieved success in their chosen field.
  • Enhanced Confidence and Communication Skills: Regular participation in networking events helps students develop confidence in articulating their ideas effectively while improving their communication skills.

To further illustrate the importance of building a strong professional network through Student Union Networking Events, we can examine the following table showcasing statistics on successful job placements resulting from such engagements:

Event Number of Attendees Job Offers Received
A 100 15
B 75 12
C 120 20
D 90 10

As can be seen in the table, attending networking events has proven to be a fruitful avenue for securing job offers. These statistics reinforce the value of actively participating in such events and leveraging them as opportunities for professional growth.

In conclusion, building a strong professional network is essential for students aiming to thrive in their chosen fields. Networking events organized by student unions provide an ideal platform for connecting with industry professionals, exchanging information, gaining insights into various industries, and developing long-lasting relationships. By regularly attending these events, students not only enhance their chances of finding suitable employment but also gain valuable knowledge and experiences that contribute to their personal and professional development.


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